How to manually install application/game's on Windows Phone 8.1

How to manually install application/game's on Windows Phone 8.1 ( SD Card ).

1) Firstly rename the .xap file as .appx
   ( MyApp.xap to MyApp.appx )

2) Now put your.appx file in to SD Card > WpSystem > Data > Programs > {_App_Prod_ID_} > HERE. ( MyApp.appx )


Note *
It's possible only for homebrew app's or patched xaps or drm decrypted.


  1. Hey Aditya ,
    I need your Help, the location you gave - "SD Card > WpSystem > Data > Programs > {_App_Prod_ID_} > HERE. ( MyApp.appx )
    " to place appx file isnt available

    SD Card >WP System ......... No Folder called Data & Cant Find Any Programs Folder in the rest folders Too ! what should I do ? Need your help ASAP ! Regards

    CAn Also Mail me @

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