SUCCESS!!! Interop Unlock Nokia Lumia 520.

Our readers are Great achievements are able to throw you just take a look in our forum, where many helpful readers helping out with their knowledge other problems with their smartphones introduce its own apps, explain new features, share tips and tricks with each other and advice when purchasing a Windows Phone. Users "Mysterio" and "lordmaxey" is somewhat succeeded in the many previously seemed impossible: an Interop Unlock on a Nokia Lumia 520, he leaked the pictures to us privately. Through the Interop Unlock third-party applications for additional permissions and can for example access to the file system.
A few months ago we reported that a Chinese company claimed to have the Interop Unlock successfully applied on a Nokia Lumia 920. A video with a third column live tile on Windows Phone 8.0 was released as a proven and it promised to provide guidance to the Internet in the coming weeks. Months have passed since that promise, a guide does not yet exist and outweigh the doubts about the veracity.
From Chinese and Russian forums, however it is known that it is not entirely impossible to use the Interop Unlock on a Lumia smartphone, but it is significantly heavier than the Huawei Ascend W1, not to mention the Samsung ATIV p Nokia backs up its smartphones Unlike Samsung, HTC and Huawei very well, but can never be guaranteed one hundred percent secure. No later than the application of a hardware debugging techniques (JTAG) is likely to force any safety measure from Nokia and Microsoft to its knees. This can in fact to otherwise inaccessible partitions write and make changes so directly. The smart phone seems to boot the modified ROM and also the registry tweaks can be applied easily.


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